Developing Your Relationship Intuition

Our intuition gives us the ability to understand, sense, or know the truth about a situation without the need for analysis. Our intuition has the power to guide us towards creating healthy relationships. I believe that God blesses each of us with the gift of intuition. It is a part of our connection with the Divine. We create sacred relationships by allowing our intuition and inner knowing (the God/ Goddess within) to guide us.

Most of us talk ourselves out of our intuitive guidance regarding relationships. We ignore the still small voice within us (or gut instinct) that knows the truth, and as a result, we experience pain. This pain need not be. Learning how to listen to and adhere to our inner knowing about our relationships can support us in having healthier and more connected relationships. Here are a few suggestions for developing your relationship intuition.

1. Actively tap into and build your connection with your Higher Power.

Since our intuition comes from God, one of the best ways to access it with more confidence is through building our connection with God through literally plugging into our Source. The most effective way to do this is through an intentional and edifying daily spiritual practice. Your spiritual practice may look like spending time in prayer, meditation, journaling, or silence. During this time, you may decide to go out in nature or spend time simply focusing on your breathing.

Whatever makes you feel most connected to God, spend time doing it every day to strengthen your reliance on God and to feel supported by your connection to God. Allow yourself to move away from distractions and mental chatter and connect with your Source. As you do so, you will experience a greater connection to God and be a clearer channel for your intuition to guide you forward.

Strengthening our relationship with God develops our intuition, which allows the process of determining healthy relationships from unhealthy relationships much more effortless.

2. Move away from overanalyzing.

When we overthink, we cause so much unnecessary confusion. Over relying on our intellect can edge out the voice of our intuition. We can spend so much time worrying, fretting, and analyzing a situation that we become confused. The voice of confusion is the voice of the negative ego. The voice of our intuition is sure and steady. We lose sight of our intuition when we spend too much time in our thoughts.

Overthinking happens, especially when we experience problems in a relationship. We can become so afraid of doing the wrong thing or the relationship ending that we become fixated on the issue and obsess over finding the best possible solution. We tell ourselves that we don't know what we should feel, which allows us to "think our feelings" instead of simply permitting ourselves to "feel our feelings" without judgment.

Intuition is often a feeling or a knowing that we experience in our bodies. When we shut ourselves off from our emotions, we shut ourselves off from our intuition.

3. Learn how to pay attention to your still small voice.

Have you ever had an inner knowing or an intuitive hit about something and ignored it to find out later that the still small voice within you or perhaps that gut sensation about a relationship that was absolutely on point? I know I have, and I kicked myself every time until I realized that this was a part of my process (no matter how ungraceful) of learning how to trust my intuition.

Every time we ignore our intuition and realize that it was right, we learn the importance of following our instinct; we get the opportunity to learn how to trust ourselves. The same is true when we follow our intuition and later see evidence that we made the right choice. I call following my intuition, following that path of least resistance. We arrive at the same point, and we get there faster and with grace when we learn to follow our intuition instead of fighting it. I encourage you to know and trust your intuition and allow your intuition to guide you in selecting your relationship partners.

After much trial and error and pain, I got acquainted with my intuitive tells. When I interact with someone and feel sick to my stomach or feel anxious, I now know that something about the interaction is off, and I choose not to move forward. I, unfortunately, had to have this happen many times before I got to know what it meant. When I feel warm and calm inside or "warm fuzzies" from interacting with someone, I know that I want to get to know this type of person. Today I pay attention because I know this to be my gut instinct (intuition), and it never steers me wrong, not ever!

Sending you love and light as you learn to trust your intuition.

Danielle ❤️


Freeing Yourself From Judgments


Maintaining Healthy Relationships