Three Things I Believe
Our beliefs shape our world. The thoughts we think impact how we feel and what we do. As a Minister of Spiritual Consciousness, I know the power of my beliefs. I understand that my thoughts constantly and consistently create my experiences. This is one of the reasons why I choose to move away from negative thinking.
I must admit that sometimes this is easier than others. The mere thought of the havoc that just one errant belief can create in my life is enough to keep me on the straight and narrow. For real!
Our beliefs can move us forward and create powerful opportunities, or they can hold us back and keep us stuck. I choose to constantly move forward.
Here are three things I believe serve as a foundation for how I live my life and serve others.
1. God is Love.
“Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.”
- C.S. Lewis
I believe that the Source is love. You may call this Source God, Allah, Baba, Abba, Elohim, El Shaddai, Oludumari, Brahman, nature, etc. The essential nature of the Source, the Creator of all life, is love.
2. At our core, we are love.
Being that we all come from the Source of love, we also are love. Suppose we strip away our ego, fears, our overidentification with our roles, jobs, and accomplishments. When we let all that go, we will find at our core that we are love.
We each have a desire for connection and love because, in truth, this is who we are. In some way, it is our soul's desire to reconnect to its own essential nature, love.
3. We are all deserving of Sacred Love.
Sacred love is our Divine birthright. Each of us is worthy of experiencing love in its truest form. We deserve to feel safe, seen, and supported because we come from the Source of love and are also love.
We are worthy of experiencing Sacred love within us and with others.
Imagine how your world would be transformed if you aligned or up-leveled your beliefs to create the life of your dreams?
There's only one way to find out...
All My Love,
Danielle ❤️