A Feelings Activity
We live in a busy society, and time goes by quickly, especially during a global pandemic.
Overworking and constant stimulation often serve as powerful distractions. We can keep ourselves so busy that we won't be aware of feelings stirring within us.
Feelings are messengers. They are neither good nor bad. They provide information and clues to how we're responding to the world and events around us. If we pay close attention to our feelings without judging them or pushing them away, they will help us grow.
"Instead of resisting any emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it and see through your resistance."
– Deepak Chopra
Today's blog is dedicated to (guess what) your feelings. I'm going to take you through a brief activity that will support you in better understanding and managing your emotions.
Let's Go!!!
1. Pay attention to your body sensations.
Take a moment, close your eyes, take several deep breaths and pay attention to your body sensations. Feelings register in our bodies, and we are constantly feeling.
Go ahead.
Close your eyes and breathe until you notice your body sensations.
I'll wait.... 😉
What body sensations did you notice?
Do your shoulders feel tight?
Are you feeling butterflies in your stomach?
Is your lower back sore?
Do you feel a warm sensation in your chest?
Got it?
Let's move on.
2. Use a feelings wheel or feelings list to label your feelings.
Sometimes labeling our feelings can be tricky. This is where feeling wheels can be helpful.
Example Of A Feelings Wheel
Use a feelings wheel to label the sensation you noticed from our first step.
Perhaps you would attach feeling anxious to the feelings of butterflies in your stomach. Maybe you're experiencing the tightness in your shoulders to feeling stressed out.
3. Commit to doing one thing to appropriately address your feelings.
Now that you know what you're feeling, I encourage you to commit to one action to help you tend to the feeling. If you're feeling stressed, think about appropriate ways to manage your stress, such as taking time off from work or starting a meditation practice. If you're feeling sad, maybe it would help to have a good cry or watch a funny movie. If you're feeling lonely, think about connecting with a good friend.
Do this activity often!
It will support you in understanding and managing your feelings.
Sending you love and lots of positive energy as you tend to your feelings.
Danielle ❤️
P.S. Are you looking for some ideas and inspiration for your feelings activity? Check out my free Holistic Self Love Guide here. It's loaded with lots of suggestions for emotional self-love/ self-care.